Who are Harjanne Company Ltd?
Let the introductions begin!
Samuel Harjanne, CEO
Samuel is the founder, CEO and corner stone of Harjanne Company Ltd. He started his career as an actor but has been directing ever since 2008. Samuel has his directing education from GSA – Guilford School of Acting, where he was taught by some of the best musical theatre professionals in the world. His work is strongly influenced by the theories of Keith Johnstone (UK) and Sanford Meisner (USA). Improvisation has had a huge impact on his career. His works has been seen in Finland, UK, Estonia, Sweden, and Norway. With Harjanne Company Ltd he hopes to strengthen the musical theatre industry, not only in Finland, but internationally. And we are sure that when it comes to Samuel and Harjanne Company Ltd, this is only the beginning.

Henri Sarajärvi, Production Assistant
The newest member of our team is Henri ”Henkka” Sarajärvi whose first contact with Samuel and Jack was in Helsingin Kaupunginteatteri’s KINKY BOOTS. In the future Henri will be working as the Director’s Assistant in the opera LA TRAVIATA at Tampere-talo and in SCHOOL OF ROCK – THE MUSICAL at Tampereen Työväen Teatteri.

Jack Johansson, Project Coordinator
Jack Johansson is a musical theatre performer educated at Balettakademien, Gothenburg, Sweden. He moved to Finland in 2018 to work with KINKY BOOTS at Helsinki City Theatre and quickly him and Samuel connected over their way of working and envisioning musical theatre. Jack joined Harjanne Company Ltd in 2020 with the title Project Coordinator and has since worked for multiple projects in various positions together with Samuel.